Our Symbol

Our logo is much more than a colorful corporate identity icon. It is an important symbol that represents the universal truth of balance. Three different-colored circles of importance — which stand for physical health, spiritual health, and financial health — intertwine and orbit around a gold halo in the center. It’s our mission to help you stay in the center, so you have the confidence balance provides.


Blue represents physical health and taking care of your body with good exercise, a sensible diet and faith-based lifestyle choices.


Purple embodies spiritual health. It’s about leading a purposeful life, and how you feed and nurture your mind through God and soul.


Green stands for financial health. It’s the circle THE WAY ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS GROUP, LLC can help you manage to out-give your blessings.


Gold is connected to each color and forms the halo at the heart of the symbol. When you balance the physical, spiritual and financial spheres, you rise to the understanding of your blessings and union with God.